Matthias Kretzler
Matthias Kretzler
Matthias Kretzler
Ann Arbor, USA
The overarching goal of Dr.Kretzlers research is to define kidney disease in mechanistic terms and use this knowledge for targeted therapeutic interventions. To reach this goal the Michigan Kidney Translational Medicine Center (MiKTMC) he leads has developed a translational research pipeline centered on integrated systems biology analysis of renal disease. 25 years of experience in interdisciplinary data integration of large-scale data sets allows to define cross cutting disease mechanism in international multi-disciplinary research networks in the US, Europe, China and sub-Saharan Africa.
The MiKTMC teams under Dr. Kretzler’s supervision links carefully monitored environmental exposures, genetic predispositions, transcriptional networks, proteomic profiles, metabolic fingerprints, digital histological data and prospective clinical disease characterization to define cross-cutting disease mechanisms. The molecular mechanism identified have result in more than 450 publications, but most importantly, in new disease predictors, de novo drug development and successful clinical trials of novel therapeutic modalities in kidney disease, see