Jule Pinter
Patrick Rossignol
Jule Pinter
Würzburg, GER
Dr. med. Jule Pinter is a physician in the Nephrology Department at the University Hospital Würzburg, Germany. She is holding a Master's in Clinical Trials from the University of Oxford, where she graduated with honors. Her international research journey began during an elective at McMaster University in Canada, where she conducted a cohort study on the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients with kidney diseases. Inspired by this experience, she continued her research at the Renal Cochrane Center in Sydney, Australia, eventually before joining the University Hospital Würzburg under the mentorship of Prof.
Dr. med. Christoph Wanner. As a clinician and scientist, Dr. med. Jule Pinter, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2019, is dedicated to enhancing patient care through evidence-based practices and scalable healthcare solutions. She now brings her expertise and full commitment to leading RESOLVE (Randomised Evaluation of Dialysate Sodium on Vascular Events Study) in Germany.