D’Arcy Duquette
D’Arcy Duquette
D’Arcy Duquette
Calgary, CAN
D’Arcy Duquette has been married for 40 years with two adult children. After 39 years D’Arcy retired from Canadian Pacific Railway as Senior Director, Network Strategy. D’Arcy is a member of the Surgery and Critical Care SCN’s along with the co-chair of the Citizen Advisory Team, South Health Campus. He is past Chair for the Patient and Family Advisory Committee with the Health Quality Council of Alberta and a Senior Patient Partner with Choosing Wisely Canada. D’Arcy is also a committee member of Imagine Citizens Network, the Quality Assurance Committee and Alberta Surgical Initiative Advisory Network. D’Arcy also volunteers as a patient advisor for the Cancer Screening Virtual Education along with Continuing Care, Home Care and Long-Term Care.
D’Arcy is a graduate from the 2022 PaCER (Patient and Community Engagement Research) Sponsored by Strategic Clinical Network and AbSPORU (Alberta Strategy for Patient Oriented Research Support Unit). D’Arcy is also a Patient Advisor with Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) and Peri-Operative Quality Initiative (POQI) teams. D’Arcy sits on the Board of Directors for his Community Residents Association and remains actively involved in Community development. He has been a cancer patient in Alberta’s healthcare system for colon, lung, and bladder cancers, and has had both negative and positive experiences. D’Arcy is committed to providing a safe and quality healthcare system for all Canadian’s. On January 26th, 2023 D'Arcy was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal for Community and Healthcare advocacy.